Dienstag, 7. September 2010

Magic Time @ Disney Studios & Toy Playland

We've enjoyed the new Toy Playland wich was opened 2 weeks ago.

It's great!!!!

It's like jumping into the movie!

Buzz lightyear a new idol.

Getting into the Playland

I love Rex
He is one of my favorites

Stitch is Axel's favorite

We went to the live show, wich is a kind of video live meeting.
He could make pictures of some people that were sitting in the audience, talking to them & to me!
He asked me if I he can be my boyfriend :-)
So you can see at this picture, the new familiy composition :-)

A hairy hug

Surlly from Monsters Inc. He is huge & great for a hug!
That was Santi's first movie. He is growing up with this new generation, wich are lovely & gives him a better relationship with current situations.

A great time, in a great place.
A place where dreams came true.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hijitos: QUE MARAVILLOSO!!!Se ve que estaban felices! cuánto nos alegramos! Y los personajes de TOY STORY SE VEN TAN HERMOSOS Y REALES!!!!
    Me imagino la emoción de Santiago!!!! Mil besos MAMA

  2. y pensar que el cumpleaños pasado, Santi había elegido a Mickey y no encontrabas un muneco para la torta. Para él, seguramente fue un sueño hecho realidad!!! los amo MAMA
