Dienstag, 23. November 2010

giving thanks

I really like this American - Canadian tradition of giving thanks.

It sure has a strong relationship with the history of those countries, but it's so nice to have a special time to realize what you have, what you get/got, what you should be thankful for.

Celebrating this tradition, sending our best wishes to our lovely friends over the ocean & our american friends living in Cologne,
 I've made those cards.

I hope they like it!

My husband did, so this one is for him.
As a little sign of being thankful for his love, his support & his patience :-)

So, what about taking some time this weekend, relaxing, enjoing time with your family, being happy to be healthy toghether  & giving thanks?!

Thank you for supporting, watching, following & living comments.


1 Kommentar:

  1. Sehr schön Deine Karte, klasse Farben das PP im Hintergrund finde ich besonders schön! Und die Tradition finde ich auch sehr gut! Früher wurde bei uns auch Erntedank im Oktober mehr gefeiert, aber das lässt leider nach!
