Montag, 29. September 2014


Thanks Christine I'm back!
She inspired me to make my first layout since months! (dogs months)

It's really colorful, wich was a huge step ;) I needed a little bit of courage...
But I'm happy I did it that way!
Because, I just love Daphne's or Nancy Damiano's Lo's

I hope I can organized myself better, to make the dog happy; make the school craft club & get enough time to work on new layouts more often...

Hope we see each other soon. Have a nice sunny day!

Mittwoch, 2. Juli 2014

Cards - part 2

Hier are some other ones... 

Are you sure you wanna scrapbook? Because, I could play with you ;)

Beagle puppy & cards part 1

Long time ago, since I was on the web checking for some cool scrapbook stuff.
We have a beagle puppy! Lots to teach, to clean, to walk, to cuddel, to laugh!
It's great! But... scrapbooking??? No way, no time.

I found some little spots of time to do those cards:

Mittwoch, 2. April 2014

hello forest

Thank to the inspiration of Katja by Scrapbook Werkstatt,
 i'd found a LO which it makes me get "into" again!
It's almost a copy of her LO, but it was what I needed :)
Since I did not have the PP she used, I took old paper i had & my cameo.
The journaling is in a glassine bag, behind the tree.
Hope you like it, I do!
Wishing you great sunny spring days!

Dank der Inspiration von Katja von Scrapbook Werkstatt
 habe ich wieder mal ein LO gemacht! 
Ich war wie gelähmt die letzte Zeit...
Es ist fast eine Kopie ihrer LO, aber es war das, was ich brauchte :) 
Da ich nicht die PP sie verwendet hat habe, habe ich alte PP die ich hatte & mein Cameo benutzt. 
Das Journaling ist in der Pergament Tasche, hinter dem Baum. 
Hoffe es gefällt euch, ich finde es sooooo schön :) *rot*
Ich wünsche Euch schöne sonnige Frühlingstage!

Dienstag, 28. Januar 2014


Since days, I'm trying to adapt this LO from Stefanie to use it with my photos.
After twisting, changing  & leaving it in a corner... I got it!
I fall in love with this PP from Pebbles & just wanted to used for this adorable photos of our children.They are actually kind of "wild" 
but there are moments, they just turn to "darling angels".
The inspiration was awake through Iris @ the SBT Forum. She chose another LO from Stefanie, but...  I decided to pick another one ;)

Freitag, 10. Januar 2014

Little Vampire

On day 7 @ the inspiration marathon by the SBT Forum, Sarah chose a LO from Nina Menden.
I love her style, clear, simple, great!

If you ask yourself, why do I've used a car card as decoration, & which is the relationship with a vampire; it's because we were @ the Nürburgring, watching a long distance race. I describe this on the journaling, but  you can not read it... 
It's behind the car card ;)

I've used PP from MME "on the bright side", SU Cardstock, Miscellany from October Afternoon "Travel Girl", & meine Cameo

Dienstag, 7. Januar 2014


We had a great time exploring the Teide, 
the highest volcano in Spain.
For our son the most important thing to do, on a trekking tour, is the relaxing picnic :)
We were sitting on huge pieces of dry lava. It almost looked like dino poo, but the landscape it's just incredibly beautiful!
If you have the posibility, I just can only recommend, go & explore Tenerife.

Sonntag, 5. Januar 2014


This Lo was inspired bei Marion! She was on day 3 the "Inspiration Queen".
I just love it! Such a great effect! Those stripe
The original is made with washi tape, but I don't have nice colors which combined with the PP I like. My version ist a PP stripe one.
I'm honoring a great day, together with my beloved cousine & her family.
What a bless!
Have a great sunny day!

Samstag, 4. Januar 2014

have a great New Year!

Here is the new year!
...waiting for us,
giving us everyday the posibility of make something new, 
to change,  to see things in a new way... 
And we can reach as much as we want, 
or we can just let it flow. 
It's on our hands. 
So take it & enjoy it the best you can!

At SBT Forum we get "the whole portion" of inspiration in January. 
The Jumpstart has began!
And this is my first Layout, inspiriert by Frauke.
A LO with lots of circles.

PP. 4heures37 + MME on the bright side + Studio Calico wood veener stars  Brads: sn@ps - live