Donnerstag, 28. November 2013


Last sunday we could enjoy a day full of inspiration @ the SBT Forum.
The design Team had great ideas to make & 
everybody worked like crazy.
There are some card in the galerie, they are soooo great, 
I cannot decide which are the best!
Letzten Sonntag gab es eine wunderbare inspirierende Aktion @ SBT Forum .
Das Designer Team hatte super Ideen und Anregungen;
 und alle haben fleißig mitgemacht.
Es sind so tolle Karten in der Galerie, 
da  fehlt mir das Auswählen "der Schönsten" richtig schwer.

Dienstag, 26. November 2013

not chilling

It seems like, I'm doing any paper crafts, but... I'm doing lots of cards.
Last week I've made those cards for my son's friends...

 And than I've made this one for a friend of mine, who had birthday. For us, she is our sunshine, so I had to copie that!

Now it's time to make some christmas card. In the SBT Forum they had a great inpiration card day. Since I still working on it, you can see those, later.
Wishing you a cozy day!

Montag, 11. November 2013


I'm soooo happy! I finally finish this layout!
It was waiting long days to get done! And now, I have space to think of a new one :)
The new start @ school & the marvelous break in Tenerife stopped me to work on it.
The LO it's nr. 33 from the SBT Forum & I found it really helpful to scrap this crazy photos we did in France at the beach near to Royan, this summer.
Since fall it's getting really confortable around here, to watch some blue skies & remembering warm weather it's making my heart brighter.
I hope you had today, a great day enjoying the blue sky & the wonderful sun on your nose.

twinkle twinkle little star...

Last week I was @ Jenni's twinkle star Workshop!
It was great (as always) but different, since we were lots of women... Too many...
But, it was great sharing time with the creative ladies @ my table. Ines has a great report, with great photos. Jenni published yesterday.
I love Jenni's Ideas! 
She has a special & unique touch. So fine, so delicate and gorgeous ... 
And I love her food!
To pay the workshop, we had to put the money in an envelope. That's mine:

The proyects are almost, done. But I'll be showing you the pictures later.
I wish you a great sunny fall day! Enjoy!

Letze Woche war ich bei Jenni's Sternenglanz Wokshop.
Es war wie immer super, aber anders, da es viel (zu viele) Frauen waren.
An unseren Tisch hatte ich das Glück den Tag  mit super nette Damen zu verbringen.
Ines hat ein tollen Berich mit Fotos. Mehr kann man bei Jenni sehen.
Jenni's Ideen finde ich sehr schön & somit war es ein tollen Tag.
Es tut seeeeehhhhr gut, sich mit "gleich Genossen" zu treffen. Die reale Welt ist schon anders als die tolle Foren.
Das Foto ist von den Umschlag den ich gemacht habe um den Kostenbeitrag zum Workshop zu bezahlen. Eben... bestirnt!
Fotos vom Workshop & die Projekte werde ich später noch einfügen.
Ich wünsche Euch ein schönen sonnigen Herbsttag! Genießt es!